
8 Training Mistakes That Are Slowing Your Progress

By PJ Nestler | Tue Jun 11 2024

Feeling like the time and effort you put into training isn’t paying off? It’s easy to feel frustrated and discouraged when you’re not getting the results you hope for. However, the problem probably isn’t your lack of effort, but the lack of effectiveness in your training. Here are 8 common training pitfalls that stand in the way of your success. 

1. All HIIT, all the time

Mistake: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a hot trend, but relying solely on HIIT can actually limit your progress and lead to burnout. Most HIIT workouts use fast-paced circuits that get you sweaty and tired without truly pushing your heart rate into different zones. This can inhibit meaningful results and increase the likelihood of injury.

Solution: HIIT is most effective when mixed with other forms of movement, like strength training, mobility work, and steady-state cardio. Aim for a 1:4 or 1:5 work-to-rest ratio to allow your heart rate to rise and fall and lower the risk of injury. For true performance, aim for a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio, with each interval at maximum intensity. 

2. Making exercise your goal

Mistake: People often see exercise itself as the end goal, focusing on reps and weights rather than the functional benefits of movement. Unless you’re training for a specific event, this tunnel vision can prevent you from tapping into exercise’s greatest advantage — preparing your body and mind for the world outside of the gym. 

Solution: Identify your broader goals first. Maybe you’re looking to improve athleticism, boost mental well-being, or support longevity. Train with these goals in mind, using exercise as a tool to enrich your life outside the gym. The XPT Life app offers goal-based workouts and breathing protocols to help guide you in the right direction. 

3. Training without structure

Mistake: Working out without a plan is like setting off on a cross-country road trip without a map. Sure, you might reach your destination eventually, but the journey will be filled with unnecessary detours.

Solution: Avoid working out just for the sake of it. Define your goals and follow a structured plan to help you achieve them. Use resources, like the multi-week programs in the XPT Life app, to keep you on track. With a proper roadmap in hand, you can adjust and explore without veering too far from the road to success. 

4. Always lifting the same extreme

Mistake: You can’t train effectively without the right mix of variation. Just like it’s essential to switch up your workouts, it’s important to vary the resistance you use in your sessions. Sticking strictly to light weights won't build strength, but maxing out on heavy weights all the time can lead to injuries that throw you off track. 

Solution: Balance your workouts and track your sessions. Find the right rhythm for alternating between heavy lifting and lighter, bodyweight exercises through trial and error. Mixing up the intensity and resistance challenges your body, reduces the risk of overtraining, and helps you make sustainable progress.

5. Only performing linear movements

Mistake: Your body is designed to jump, squat, shuffle, hinge, run, duck, and more. But lots of training programs call for a handful of the same robotic, linear movements. When we limit ourselves to single-plane exercises like squats, curls, and presses, we neglect the full range of movements our bodies are built to perform. 

Solution: Focus on adding lateral, rotational, and other nonlinear movements into your training regimen. These exercises challenge your body in different ways and mimic natural movements, improving your overall fitness and functionality. For a solid place to start, check out the Functional Strength and Primal Movement workouts in the XPT Life app. 

6. Sacrificing health and function for aesthetics

Mistake: Thanks to social media, we’re bombarded with the physiques of fitness models and influencers that are nearly impossible to achieve. They focus on aesthetic goals like building toned glutes or six-pack abs at any cost. But no short-term fix to an aesthetic goal is worth trading your bodily function. 

Solution: Think about your favorite elite athlete — their training is focused on improving their performance, not their physique. When you push yourself to train properly by focusing on function, the aesthetic benefits naturally follow. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your body image, but the functional approach is the most effective and sustainable way to get there. 

7. Not prioritizing your recovery 

Mistake: Neglecting proper recovery makes it difficult to sustain the output you desire. It’s not just about foam rolling to alleviate sore muscles. Recovery is about rebuilding your body and mind to maximize the impact of your workouts and keep you sharp for future sessions. 

Solution: In addition to foam rolling, build more impactful recovery practices into your routine, like ice bath and sauna sessions, stretching, and light cardio. Recovery looks different for everyone, so experiment with different routines and pay close attention to how your body feels after each recovery practice and during your next training session. 

8. Ignoring your personal inclinations when creating new habits

Mistake: There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating new habits. The best way to change a behavior varies from one person to the next. Some people are most successful when they go all-in and leave little room for error, while others benefit from taking it slow and implementing one small change at a time. 

Solution: Take some time to reflect on your personal tendencies. Do you respond better to the all-in approach, or do incremental changes work better for you? In either case, identify and commit to the non-negotiables that will drive mental and physical progress, like training a certain number of days each week. Knowing yourself and what works best for you is key to making lasting changes.

By avoiding these common performance mistakes and adopting a well-rounded, goal-focused training approach, you’ll gain more from your workouts and get closer to the results you’re looking for. For extra guidance, educational content, and structured programs designed to level up your training, check out the XPT Life app