The 3 R's of Fueling for Functional Strength Gains
A coach’s job is to constantly assess and reassess what interferes with optimal function and respond to that with the right protocols used within an analytical, systemized approach.
One of the most common interferences of functional adaptations is the improper fuel our muscles receive after they’re broken down.
Functional strength gains will never come your way without adequate performance-based and recovery-based nutrition.
Post-workout, we’re after three major goals and I call them “The Three R’s”
We rehydrate with electrolytes, repair with protein, and refuel with healthy carbohydrates. Keep your nutrition tight with my recommended post-workout meals of the month:
Spicy Chipotle Chicken Rice Bowl

This source of lean protein source, high-fiber veggies, and quality carbohydrates was built to repair the muscles and energize the body.

Prepare this combo of protein, iron, and B-vitamins to have healthy, restorative meals ready to go all week long.
Rosemary Chicken with Zucchini Noodles

This flavorful dish makes the perfect post-workout lunch or dinner. Plan in advance because this recipe requires 24-hours ahead prep-time.