XPT Coach Spotlight: Kristin Weitzel
Name: Kristin Weitzel
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Business(es): WARRIOR WOMAN MODE, Prowess Marketing
Email: kristin@warriorwomanmode.com
Social Media Handles: @warriorwomanmode, @hurricanekristin
XPT: Great to talk with you. Tell us about yourself!
KW: I have been passionate about fitness and wellness all my life, growing up a dancer and then obtaining certifications from world-class experts in numerous modalities including yoga, Pilates, group fitness, XPT, anatomy and Primal Health Nutrition.
I founded Warrior Woman Mode, a business that empowers women to switch on their optimal wellness and cellular health through exercise, nutrition, biohacking, adaptation, supplementation, and lifestyle programming. I teach clients, lead seminars, and train teachers internationally with my powerful yet empathetic coaching style. I also merge years of marketing career expertise with wellness experience in order to work with a wide variety of people, to foster positive health solutions, optimize fitness, ignite personal brands, and inspire communities.
XPT: You’ve been to a few XPT events in the past. How did you get turned on to XPT?
KW: I came across some information about the XPT program during the last few years as part of my biohacking, meditation and paleo lifestyle research from a neuroscientist named Andrew Huberman. I didn’t know much about it and was working on optimizing several other parts of diet and wellness. It wasn’t until my Rolfer here in LA, Charles Eckhart, reminded me about the program and the ice bath/exposure training Laird and Gabby were doing that all the details clicked into place and I knew I had to attend an XPT Experience weekend.

XPT: What made you want to become an XPT Certified Coach?
KW: When I got to the XPT Experience weekend in Malibu, I knew by the end of Day 1 that it would be a game changer to layer these practices into my health optimization programming. But I also knew that I needed more to satisfy my craving to learn.
As an athlete, curious wellness optimizer, and passionate health coach, I showed up with 100 questions. I took the time to ‘lean in’ to the coaches and presenters running the training that weekend with Laird and Gabby. I asked everything I wanted, pulled the team aside between training sessions, dinner hours, or any time we had to pick their expert brains. I must say—I came to ‘nerd out’—and the whole XPT Team were super welcoming of this, more than I could have ever expected! They answered my queries, shared evidence-based anecdotes, programming elements, and clinical research studies that would help further my knowledge, inspire my business, and fill me with added love on my quest to help others find optimal wellness.
Toward the end of the XPT Experience weekend, I poked Mark—one of the coaches there who I felt comfortable with after he and Gabby helped me overcome some fears I had about deep pool breathwork—and told him I would do all the homework in the next week if he could get me into that weekend’s XPT Coach Certification. I felt that ready, that hooked, and already seeing change in my capacity from the 2 days we had just spent together. I was not willing to stop at just experiencing it. I had to be able to help coach it, and lead programs like this sharing the XPT message with my community.

XPT: How has XPT immediately impacted you and/or your clients? Give us some success stories!
KW: XPT has immediately impacted me by giving me the training and confidence to coach their methods to people from diverse populations—from an athlete to someone less conditioned working on weight loss goals. It layered in easily, and has grown my expertise on top of my current programing.
Overall, it’s been great working to optimize the health of women and making the ways we train feel more approachable. Especially in the ‘biohacking’ community, which has been spearheaded by so many men doing things that appear extreme, it hasn’t always made room for non-professional athlete females to feel like they can dive in and experiment with health in this way. Now, I have the tools to showcase what XPT teaches with my audience.
XPT: What’s your favorite XPT related tip, discipline, or activity to teach your clients and why?
KW: My favorite is the ice plunge. Although, getting people to tape their mouth closed for nasal breathing practice is a close second.
For the ice plunge, I always volunteered to go first at XPT weekends, because I staunchly believe the ice is a mindset gamechanger for life’s daily activities. I knew I had to practice what I would be preaching to clients and move without hesitation. I feel way more confident in my own self-experimentation and layered in XPT exposure training protocols immediately for my ‘WarriorWoman30’ Program: a 30-day challenge including daily ice baths to showcase how possible and beneficial performance training in various ways can be.
As we all juggle more and more stress into our lives, it is increasingly important to emphasize that it’s not just about success and winning some one-time health protocol, but the long-term focus of improvement with consistent effort to achieve your biggest goals.

XPT: What advice would you give to someone considering becoming certified, attending an experience or workshop, or anyone considering XPT in general?
KW: Run, don’t walk. Do it now, and with no hesitation. The XPT program will guide and shapeshift the way you look at wellness.
XPT: Can you share with us a quick success story or “WOW” moment with either yourself or a client as it pertains to XPT?
KW: During the third round of ice plunge coaching a client who has major issues with loss of circulation in her toes. The condition was seemingly unfixable by any healthcare practitioner, and I got to watch them turn from their normal blueish state to flushed red after she exited the ice bath. It’s killer to watch the benefits and biology in action, and progress in the making.
XPT: Anything else you want to tell us? A personal story about XPT in your life?
KW: Before I left the pool on the last day of my XPT Certification, I did 3-minutes of recovery breathwork and reflected on the last two weekends of XPT interaction. I then sat and wrote this, which still holds true of PJ, Mark, and those I met on the XPT Team:
“Each and every coach I came into contact with, were knowledgeable, approachable, and well-prepared with information and method of delivery. You can tell they are infinitely curious and not afraid to explore and have discourse about the many variables around fitness and performance science. PJ and Mark brought powerhouse energy to my XPT experiences, and did so sweetly, safely, and with a state of wonder and discovery for their clients in order to bring out the best in each individual.”