XPT Coach Spotlight: Perla D’Ornellas
XPT Coach Spotlight: Perla D’Ornellas
Name: Perla D’Ornellas
Age: 33
Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Newport Beach, California
Email: perladornellas@gmail.com
Social Media Handles: @perla.dornellas
XPT: Thanks for sitting down with us! Tell us about yourself.
PD: I’ve been in the fitness industry for about 8 years. I got my degree in kinesiology from Brazil and a post degree in movements science. My passion for health and fitness led me to travel to the USA to learn English and seek more knowledge to apply in my daily practice.
XPT: You’ve been to a few XPT events in the past. How did you get turned on to XPT?
PD: After eight years in the fitness industry I was looking for more holistic ways to improve the health and fitness of my clientele. I became very interested in breathwork. When I saw the extensive breathing curriculum offered from XPT I immediately jumped in to take the Level 1 Certification.
XPT: What made you want to become an XPT Certified Coach?
PD: In addition to the extensive breathwork, I was attracted to the breathe-move-recover philosophy of XPT, along with the many unique methods such as water training and exposure that are a part of the curriculum.
XPT: How has XPT immediately impacted you and/or your clients? Give us some success stories!
PD: The main impact of XPT with my clients has been restoring the connection they have with themselves, giving them the confidence and ability to take back control of their emotions and their life. It’s amazing to give my clients the tools to allow them to improve their sleep, reduce stress, overcome negative emotions, and even conquer major challenges like the ice bath.

XPT: What’s your favorite XPT related tip, discipline, or activity to teach your clients. Why?
PD: I love teaching my clients proper breathing mechanics because it is something that many of us are not aware of or ever think about. When I’m able to share this in a simple way that everyone can understand, people are able to connect with those tips immediately and quickly feel the impact of improving the way they breathe.
XPT: What advice would you give to someone considering becoming certified, attending an experience or workshop, or considering XPT in general?
PD: I would say that I truly wish I found something like XPT sooner because the philosophy, methods, and most importantly the people and community around XPT, are unlike anything else. XPT has been such an eye-opening opportunity that has expanded my horizons and allowed me to see how much more is possible. I think that is something every human should experience.
XPT: Can you share with us a quick success story or “wow” moment with either yourself or a client as it pertains to XPT?
PD: The biggest “Wow” moments happen every time I expose somebody to the power of the breath and mindset from XPT and they are able to overcome a stress or difficult experience through these simple tools. Most people are blown away at the realization that they have this power inside of them and they are extremely grateful for the impact it has created in their lives.
XPT: Anything else you want to share? A quote from the certification? A cool client story? A personal story?
PD: One quote that I heard during XPT Performance Director PJ Nestler’s talk at the XPT Experience was “Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our lives and we will call it fate.”